Youtube ideas

How To Select The Right Topic For Your Youtube Video?

Either you are creating a youtube channel for your business or you want to grow your audience or to share your knowledge, the first important thing to do is to create a trending topic and concept for your video. Make sure to create a video based on your passions. This will help you to create a better video.  You can get your video topic ideas from your customers, friends, coworkers, employees and clients for your Youtube channel.

Before thinking about individual video ideas make sure to have a goal for your youtube channel. Decide about your target audience, then consider the best ways to produce your ideas in the form of a video.

Make sure you ask these questions before creating a video:

  • Is my video for the target audience?
  • How to present my idea in the best way?
  • How my audience would react to this video?
  • What is my budget for the video?
  • Do I have a proper equipment or tools to create this video?

Answering these questions will help you to create ideas for your target in the best way.

To get a rapid growth for your Youtube channel in terms of subscribers and views, have this technique in your mind while deciding on the topic of your video.

Tips to select the topics for your youtube channel video:

1. Use YouTube Search/Google Bar To Find YouTube Channel Video Topics

Youtube search bar/ Google search bar helps you to identify what people are searching for? Make videos on what people are searching for to get more views and subscriptions.

Youtube ideas

2. Find the demand for your video

Do you want to create money from your Youtube channel? If yes, then it is important to find the demand for your idea. You can find the demand by selecting keyword using online tools like \”Google keyword planner\”. Research your keywords using keyword planner and find out the demand for your video. Google keyword planner will give you average monthly search on your topic and competitors.

Youtube ideas

You can also use Google trends to find the popularity and demand for your idea in different time.

Youtube ideas

3. Check out your competitor\’s channel statistics

To create an idea for your video is not really the toughest job. You can get an idea from existing trending videos from other channel and take the same topic as long as you can add some interesting or unique points to that topic. Make sure you don\’t violate any trademark, copyrights while creating it from other videos.

4. Find out answers to the following questions by researching on your competitor channels

  • What content do they provide?
  • What makes people watch their video?
  • How are they making their audience to engage better?

After doing these researches, think about what unique points you can add to that video? How can you add value to visitors? How can you present the same video in the different perspective? Once you find these things, you can become a successful YouTuber. To be a successful YouTuber you need not think new ideas instead, you should know how to cover your competitor flaws and present them in a different perspective.

5. Give a demonstration of your product or services

Do you want to increase your sales through Youtube channel? If yes, there is nothing more powerful than creating or showing demo for your products or services. It is important to make your customers see your product or services on another level. Make your demonstration videos more effective to radiate the customer\’s decision.

6. Check out magazine headlines, existing contents

Catchy magazine titles/stories help you to generate more topics for your youtube channel videos. Think out of the box to use magazine titles for your youtube videos. For example: “Top ten tips to increase your youtube subscribers” can be easy to transform to “Increase your youtube subscribers with these ten tips”.

People usually sense the excitement in the content! Have you by any chance, heard people who speak with full passion? People tend to get attracted to the person who speaks with passion. Picking the right topic for your video will help you to increase your views and subscribers. Make sure to follow above effective tips to select a mind-blowing topic for your videos.

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