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Website URL Blocked By Facebook? (Complete Guide to Fix It)

Do you face any errors while you trying to share the blogs in posts or messenger?

That means your website URL is blocked by Facebook for several reasons, but do you have options to get Facebook to remove the block.

Facebook is the biggest of all social media platforms and a huge source of acquiring traffic to the site. Losing visibility will heavily affect the site’s growth and brand awareness of the business.

If you see the statistics data “The average Facebook Page shares 1.55 posts per day and average engagement rate for Facebook post is 0.18%”

Connecting and engaging with your audience will help to reap many potential benefits for your business.

In this article, let’s cover the detailed instructions to fix that issue:

Why Facebook Block Certain Websites?

In today\’s social media world, people share a lot of things on social media platforms. Also; have a chance to share the malicious files to hack a person’s computer. In order to secure people from that situation, Facebook will block certain website URLs.

Let’s discuss the following three major reasons for why Facebook block the certain website:

  • A Community Standard Violation
  • Facebook Algorithm
  • Malicious Reporting

A Community Standard Violation

Facebook developed a set of community standards that tells what is and is not allowed on Facebook. If you are violating those standards Facebook is going to block your website URL from being shared.

Facebook Algorithm

Facebook developed an anti-spam algorithm called “sigma” to fight against spam, malware, and any other abuses. Facebook can detect ‘Bad content’ and remove it automatically so it doesn’t view in your news feeds.

Malicious Reporting

Apart from an algorithm, Facebook also offers to deal with bullying, harassment, or other malicious behaviors by “Reporting System”. If people use that reporting system to report your site, that paves a way to getting blocked.

How to Check “If Your Website URL Is Blocked By Facebook”

You can use the Facebook Sharing Debugger tool to check the URL is blocked by Facebook or not.

Copy the specific URL and click the Debug option.

Error: We can’t review this website because the content doesn’t meet our Community Standards. If you think this is a mistake, please let us know.

How to Fix a Website Blocked By Facebook

First of all, make sure that your website not violating any community standards. If your website has the authorized legitimate content that can able to unblock.

Facebook Help Center

Once your website followed the Facebook community standards and legitimate content can able to submit for reconsideration.

To submit for Facebook reconsideration, Click let us know and it will redirect to the Facebook help center

In the Help center, you have the “Form” and option to submit the short message explaining why your website should be unblocked.

Here, you can explain the “site never violated the community standards” in the message and click “Send”.

Facebook doesn’t mention about a specific timeline for responding to a message that may take few weeks (if you are not getting any response, can able to resubmit again)

Facebook Business Help Center

If you are running Facebook ads, you can able to see the “Facebook Business Help Center”. On that page, you have the “Live Chat Support” option to connect directly and have a chance to get the faster resolutions to unblock the website”.

These are the ways to free your website from Facebook and share your interesting posts with your followers that effectively results in an increased engagement rate.

Hope this guide will be useful And Happy Sharing!

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