
What is the effective way to promote your YouTube channel using YouTube ads?

steal your youtube competitor's audience

What is the effective way to promote your YouTube channel using YouTube ads?

Are you the vloggers and looking to increase your subscribers and viewers?

Have you done better YouTube video than your competitor but struggling to get views?

Do you want your YouTube competitor’s audience to view your YouTube channel?

Keep following this blog to get that secret and steal your youtube competitor’s audience using youtube ads.

Search in youtube search using your niche keyword

Check out is these videos (which are ranking for your niche keywords) does have monetization enabled and note down all the videos URL.

Because only monetized video will have ads before their video content.

This gives you a wonderful opportunity to increase your youtube views by placing your ad in front of your targeted audience.

Collect all your YouTube competitor’s video which enabled monetization.

Once you have a list of placement, you have to create your youtube ad campaign.

To create your youtube ad campaign, sign in Google adwords using your mail-id.

Create your campaign

Choose objective as product and brand consideration and choose influence consideration.

Select Youtube videos in network option as shown in the image below

Copy and paste the youtube videos placement which you have collected in placement option.

Create your youtube ad now.

Choose skippable ad to promote your video before your competitor’s content.

Choose discovery ad to promote your video in search as shown below

Congrats! Now you have created your ad.

This is one of the effective hacks which you can use to steal your competitor’s viewers and increase your youtube subscribers.

For more youtube marketing strategy click here.

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