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How Your Brand Can Benefits from Twitter Spaces

Social media marketing plays an important role in business marketing strategy. On the line, audio streaming content has acquired a lot of attraction in a recent phase.

Twitter Spaces

Twitter Spaces is a live audio chat streamed through the Twitter app. It allows users with more than 600 followers to launch, host in audio chat rooms. It’s available on both iOS and Android can join & listen in on a Twitter space.

How Business Can Use Twitter Spaces

Any business/brand can benefit from engaging with the audience through social media. Businesses can reap lots of rewards from social media marketing when engagement is valuable, honest, and consistent. Twitter has over 300 million monthly active users. Brands can reach potential audiences from all sorts of backgrounds. Twitter Spaces provides a perfect opportunity to bring such an engagement over the conversation to your community.

Real-Time Interaction

Nowadays, people expecting genuine two-way interactions with brands. A recent study found that “64% percent of consumers expect companies to respond and interact with them in real-time.” & “80% B2B buyers expecting real-time interaction”

Host a live Q&A session/ forum, where your customers can ask questions about your products or services. So, that you can gain a deeper understanding of the audience and learn about a particular topic.

It would create a much better experience for customers and get immediate satisfaction.

Host Discussion on Your Industry

Create a regular industry space designed to provide updates about the brand, changes in the industry, and regular news. It not only offers value for your users but also makes your position as a “Thought Leader”. Twitter spaces have the feature of complete control over who joins a session & who is permitted to discuss, you can also have the option to kick out if anybody breached rules that give free from abusing or trolling. Therefore, Twitter spaces provide an ideal environment for discussing your industry topics.

Share a New Product or Service

If your business planning out new products or services, Twitter spaces are the best option to roll out that will keep your audience/ users apprised of new features, deals, or specials they can leverage of. You can also get feedback from people who use your service or product regularly and also guide your further product or service development. Twitter space paves an excellent platform to target your existing customer base.

Value creation

Twitter is already hugely popular in hosting conversations and resolving customer queries. The brand can create customer-service-related conversations over the Twitter space that helps to streamline those queries. Also, share additional thoughts & discussion points around your brand. Meaningful & genuine interaction can attain both value creation and customer satisfaction.

Bottom Line

Authentic conversations and valuable engagement are the keys to social media strategy. With spaces, Twitter paves an excellent way to reach your audience on a more conversational level. Brands who want to enhance their social media engagement strategy “Twitter Spaces” is yours.

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